YouthActionNet Laureate Global Fellowship social entrepreneurship program 2018


About the Laureate Global Fellowship

Sponsored by Laureate International Universities, the Laureate Global Fellowship annually recognizes 20 young leaders who have pioneered solutions to urgent challenges in their communities and beyond. Fellows develop leadership expertise and deepen their impact through a dynamic, yearlong learning experience, and join a network of over 1,700 changemakers like them who continue to benefit from learning opportunities and connections throughout their social change careers. Learn more about the Fellowship experience and read this blog post about our approach to leadership development.


Applicants must be:
  • 18 – 29 years old as of December 31, 2018
  • Founders or co-founders of existing ventures with at least one year of impact*
  • Fluent in English (applications must be completed in English)
*Applicants must be founder or co-founder of a venture that has not previously participated in the Laureate Global Fellowship, and only one co-founder per venture may apply.

Key Dates

February 6th

  • Applicants must complete written and video portions of application, and supply two reference contacts

March 6th

  • Applications must be submitted by March 6, 2018 at 11:59pm EDT

June 29th

  • All applicants will be notified of their status by June 29th, 2018

October 2018

  • Those selected as Laureate Global Fellows must attend the entirety of the training and fellowship retreat
  • Costs including airfare, visa fees, ground transportation, accomodations, and group meals are covered by the International Youth Foundation

How To Apply

Please apply through YouthActionNet's 2018 Laureate Global Fellowship Online Application. Before applying, be sure to read the full Terms & Conditions.
While online applications are preferred, there is a Microsoft Word version of the application for those who require it due to limited internet bandwidth. Click here to access the Word application.
In order to provide our applicants with the opportunity to clearly and thoroughly explain their ventures and personal journey, this application consists of seven core sections, which must be completed in order for an application to be reviewed. There is one additional section which is encouraged but not mandatory.
  1. General Information. This section asks for basic information about you, including contact information.
  2. You & Your Social Venture. This section focuses on key elements of your involvement with your social venture and core details of what your venture addresses.
  3. Video Submission. Using guidelines provided in this application, you will create an original short video and post it online. Your video will be the first opportunity we have to see your passion, knowledge, and unique perspective. We hope you will be specific and succinct in explaining what you do, how you do it, and why you’re passionate about your work. While creativity is encouraged, we care more about content than production quality.
  4. Your Work. This section asks for more detailed information on your venture's focus, approaches, beneficiaries, impact, and achievements.
  5. Your Business Model. Questions in this section ask you to discuss your venture’s funding structure, revenue generation strategies, and partnerships.
  6. Leadership & Learning. This section gives you an opportunity to share some of your background, what kind of leader you are and what your learning needs are.
  7. References. You will be asked to enter the contact information for two references who can discuss your eligibility for the fellowship. Family members may not serve as a reference. References must be from two different organizations.
  8. Additional Information. Questions in this section are used primarily for statistics and program learning; they do not affect your eligibility for the fellowship.

Click here to apply!
